(photo ©Simona Pesce)

Renato Bernardi is an italian expert Chef of healthy cuisine, Ambassador of the Mediterranean Diet in the world and popularizer of Italian gastronomic culture.

Celebrity chef on italian television shows, Renato Bernardi is one of the main interpreters of nutrition born from the combination of Food Science and Gastronomy. So he rework traditional Italian dishes. So he rework traditional Italian dishes through scientific nutritional and dietary guidelines thanks to the collaboration with nutritionists and experts.

Renato Bernardi as Ambassador of the Mediterranean Diet in the world, he is committed to the dissemination of Made in Italy in events and demonstrations, especially at the Italian Embassies abroad.

Curious and eclectic mind,  Renato Bernardi has been Halal Executive Chef since 2015 thanks to the prestigious certification conferred on him by the HIA (Halal International Authority) for his culinary interest in gastronomic cultural contaminations.

Among the many activities of Renato Bernardi, also the training of young students. In fact, since 2019, he is among the authors of the incipits for the Relay of Writing for Citizenship and Legality, organized every year by the Biennale of Arts and Sciences of the Mediterranean.  For the same Biennale, since 2021 he has been a trainer for educational projects aimed at students of Italian Hotel Institutes

In 2015 for the Reality Book publishing house, he published the book ‘Altra Cucina. Health at the table and the pleasure of easy recipes from the Mediterranean Diet ‘with the preface by Professor Pietro Migliaccio.

In 2019 for Agra Editrice publishing house, Renato Bernardi with Adriana Volpe publishes the book ‘So I like it’ dedicated to feeding children. Also for Agra Editrice in 2019, he is co-author of the book ‘La Nustriscienza’ with the nutritionist Antonello Senni.

In 2021 for the Biennial of Arts and Sciences of the Mediterranean (Bimed), he is co-author of the book ‘Dreams and Bis. For professional ethical and aesthetic food training’, dedicated to teachers and students of Italian Hotel Institutes.

Since 2022 Renato Bernardi has been a member of the Scientific Committee of ‘Cerealia’, a festival dedicated to all cereals and the countries of the Mediterranean basin.


(photo ©F.N.)